Nuevo Ich Bin Ein, 2009 with long flashlight Rocketship
JFK Campaign trail, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Oct. 1960.
My father took these pictures after jumping out in front of JFKs car.The man alone with the Woolworths sign was then Governor Mennon Soapy Williams. The man in the car with JFK was the Lt. Governor, John Swainson running for Governor, who was backed by JFK and won. These photos were developed from the original negatives and printed 10 years ago. This assemblage sculpture is #1 in a limited series of 10 to be created. The title is roughly translated as The New I am One With the People. The ominous mixed with the positive... shadows in some, the open window in the background of a few, the top right cutoff shot with my depiction of crown, explosion, and expansion... $4000